© Danièle Pierre
© Mikha Wajnrych
Cie Mossoux-Bonté


L'Envers, our rehearsal studio is available for hire. Its stage is 10m wide and 9m deep. For more information on rates, availability, technical conditions and other details, please contact Léa Maucourt.

In order to support artists and companies who do not receive funds, we can offer the use of our workspace at cost price, i.e. a flat fee covering charges only. Unfortunately, free access to the studio for residencies is no longer possible.

From 2018 to 2023, we proposed residencies to creators who place the search for new particular languages at the heart of their process by giving them free access to the studio and its technical resources. Shantala Pèpe / MANA and Fré Werbrouck / Cie D'ici P. were given long-term artistic and administrative residencies. Wooshing Machine / Cie Mauro Paccagnella and L'Envers du Théâtre / Cie Michael Delaunoy were welcomed in administrative residencies.