© Mikha Wajnrych
© Sylvain Dufayard
Cie Mossoux-Bonté

L'actuel et le singulier


Interviews about theater and dance between Anne Longuet Marx, Nicole Mossoux and Patrick Bonté. 

In the form of interviews recorded in Paris, Brussels and Geneva throughout 2005, a series of reflections upon the practice of Nicole Mossoux and Patrick Bonté, and also about creation and the contemporary scene.

Anne Longuet Marx has developed, since her very first essay (Proust, Musil. Partage d'écritures, P.U.F., 1986), a theory of subject postures, concerned with the cross-over of genres; she is interested in literature, but also in visual art and music.  Beyond critical analysis, she has developed a line of thought, around what she calls the human invention, through both theatrical experiences (as dramaturge and director, translator and author) and purely analytical ones, in dialogue with those working in theater arts, philosophers and psychoanalysts.  

The emotions within art and love itself are close cousins, there is something about being transported, a dimension of the imaginary in action.  It is the encounter between form and reality, and because we are also in reality, that of representation, which is constituted of very precise constructions.
The representation reveals that which is calculable, even if nothing ever repeats itself, as we've known since the dawn of time.  How does the real become suddenly a form, get seized by it?  It is perhaps that also, to fall in love,  is to be moved by the movement in the other, his singular manner of being alive.