The Great He-Goat
Ten museum guards, stuck at night inside the exhibition rooms, get phagocytised by the paintings by Goya they stand alongside all day. As their reference points are slowly slipping away, their bond to reality takes on absurd forms. Ravings, phantasmagorias, deaf manipulations, fits and outbursts, they spew out from the shadows a form of illegitimate humour, their only strength in the announced debacle.
Haunted by the Black Paintings, this production denounces the blind violence and the poisoning of the minds that have been a curse throughout History.
Concept and choreography Nicole Mossoux
Direction Nicole Mossoux in collaboration with Patrick Bonté
Performance and artistic collaboration Juan Benítez, Dounia Depoorter, Thomas Dupal, Yvain Juillard or Sébastien Chollet, Frauke Mariën, Fernando Martin, Isabelle Lamouline, Shantala Pèpe, Candy Saulnier, Fatou Traore, Martha Andrioli as the young girl (originally Eva Pontiès-Domeneghetty and Marie-Lou Adam)
Puppetry, costumes and scenography Natacha Belova
Vocal design Jean Fürst
Sound design Thomas Turine
Light Patrick Bonté
Make-up and wigs Rebecca Flores-Martinez
Costume confection Patty Eggerickx with the help of Lydie Fourneau, and Myriam Simenon, Agnès Brouhon and Christelle Vanbergen from the Théâtre de Liège costumes studio
Masks making Loïc Nebreda and Audrey Robin
Prostheses making Laurent Couline
Set fabrication Mikha Wajnrych
Flamenco training Coral Vados
Sound technician Fred Miclet
Light technician Léopold De Neve or Jean-Jacques Deneumoustier
Stage management Lydie Fourneau
Assistants Rita Belova, Sébastien Chollet and Anaïs Grandamy
Special thanks Anna Moreno i Lasalle, Alicia Tajuelo Martin, Lou Emanueli and Cécile Maniquet
Production Mossoux-Bonté Company, in coproduction with Charleroi Danse – Centre chorégraphique de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles – Belgique, La Briqueterie - CDCN du Val-de-Marne, Le Théâtre de Rungis, La Coop asbl, Shelterprod. With support from Théâtre de Liège, Théâtre de Châtillon,, ING, the Federal Belgium Government Tax-Shelter, Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, dance department and from Wallonie-Bruxelles International.