Jonction Nord Midi
Twelve strangely familiar characters circulate through the corridors and staircases of a station — a public space. This is a site-specific piece conceived for places of transit, where the performers can mingle with the crowd, simultaneously merging and standing out from the mass.
Concept and choreography Nicole Mossoux
Direction Patrick Bonté, Nicole Mossoux
Performers Lilian Bruinsma, Neil Cadger, Greet de Meurisse, Jean Fürst, Isabelle Lamouline, Jamal Larbi, Loulou Omer, Maura Paccagnella, Enzo Pezzella, Annamirl Van der Pluijm, Carol Vanni, Erika Zueneli
Costumes Fabienne Damiean
Sound mix Patrick Bonté
Production: Cie Mossoux-Bonté, in coproduction with Brussel/Bruxelles 2000 et Charleroi/Danses – Centre Chorégraphique de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (Belgium), with the support of Federation Wallonie-Bruxelles, Dance department and Wallonie-Bruxelles International.