Contre Saturne
Before, Saturn was known as the highest planet, the coldest and the slowest. It invited contemplation, called up the darkest dreams and the most paradoxical feelings. Does not consciousness exist because of the assurance of finiteness? What is this body that allows thought and, in its demise, will destroy it? What mystery does it carry?
In reflecting on the melancholia that haunts us at the beginning of this century the performance doesn’t seek to evade contradictions, rather it follows an imaginary thread woven between “saturnine” scenes (where the lyricisms of day dreams, nostalgia, abandonment) “saturnalia” sequences (derision, disorder and delirium) that attempts to dispense with all that is tragic.
Concept and direction Patrick Bonté
Choreography Nicole Mossoux, Patrick Bonté
Performers Lilian Bruinsma, Pascal Crochet, Jo Deseure, Jean Fürst, Claire Haenni, Isabelle Lamouline, Nathalie Laroche, Séverine Matteuzzi, Carine Peeters, Enzo Pezzella, Karine Pontiès, Ives Thuwis, Erika Zueneli
Music Christian Genet
Set Marie-France Martin
Costumes Colette Huchard
Make-up Jean-Pierre Finotto
Light Patrick Bonté
Technical direction Pierre Stoffyn, Frédéric Vannes
Production: Cie Mossoux-Bonté in coproduction with Charleroi/Danses – Centre chorégraphique de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, Bruxelles and Centre Théâtral de Namur (Belgium) and La Rose des Vents – Scène Nationale, Villeneuve d’Ascq (France), with the support of Federation Wallonie-Bruxelles, Dance department and Wallonie-Bruxelles International.