In April 2001, the blue-prints for five short films was prepared for another production. It never took place. There remains nonetheless some curious traces that Michel Jakar edited together in 2005.
The occasion to plunge into an aquarium of experimentation of which the chapters set the tone: La déjantée (The Nutcase), Repas de jambes (Supper of legs), Hippocampes (Sea Horses), Les neveux du mort (The Dead Man's Nephews), Cherchez mon visage, vous ne trouverez que mon corps (Look for my face, you won't find my body) ...
Concept and film direction Patrick Bonté
Performers Lilian Bruinsma, Jean Fürst, Sébastien Jacobs, Isabelle Lamouline and Erika Zueneli
Assistant director Mirabelle Da Palma
Image and sound Patrick Bonté
Films editors Luisa Gherdaoui and Michel Jakar
Production Compagnie Mossoux-Bonté, with the support of Charleroi/Danses, Centre Chorégraphique de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles.
A Taste of Poison
Performances • CD
Dance and puppet, a such close proximity