La visite
Fallen to earth like so many meteors, strange, carnivalesque beings with sinister faces explore the city, confused as they are not to recognise the streets they have already traveled.
Curious, worried and astonished, they come to make the link - or to create confusion - between the real and the fictional, their world and ours.
Concept Patrick Bonté
Direction and choreography Patrick Bonté and Nicole Mossoux
Performance and artistic collaboration Dorian Chavez, Taylor Lecocq, Colline Libon, Lenka Luptakova, Frauke Mariën and Shantala Pèpe
Masks Rebecca Flores-Martinez
Production Compagnie Mossoux-Bonté, in coproduction with Théâtre Les Tanneurs, La Coop asbl. and Shelterprod.
With support from, ING, the Federal Belgium Government Tax-Shelter, Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, dance department and from Wallonie-Bruxelles International.